Thursday, September 6, 2007

Donate To A GREAT Cause!

This year our family has decided to join with another family in a very special cause on September 22nd. I'm posting this on my blog to ask everyone for support in helping us reach our personal goal of raising $300 for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Walk to Cure Diabetes.
Along with a half-million other walkers across the country, Our goal: To raise $90 million to help fund research for a cure for type 1 diabetes and its complications.
Type 1, or juvenile, diabetes, is a devastating, often deadly disease that affects millions of people--a large and growing percentage of them children.
Many people think type 1 diabetes can be controlled by insulin. While insulin does keep people with type 1 diabetes alive, it is NOT a cure. Aside from the daily challenges of living with type 1 diabetes, there are many severe, often fatal, complications caused by the disease.
That's the bad news... and yes, it's pretty bad.
The good news, though, is that a cure for type 1 diabetes is within reach. In fact, JDRF funding and leadership is associated with most major scientific breakthroughs in type 1 diabetes research to date. And JDRF funds a major portion of all type 1 diabetes research worldwide, more than any other charity.
I'm writing to ask for your support because now more than ever, EACH of us can be a part of bringing about a cure. Each of us can make a real difference
Won't you please give to JDRF as generously as you're able?
Together, we can make the cure a reality.
Thank you,
Millie Abplanalp
P.S. Anyone can join us on Sept. 22nd for the Walk!
Please visit my Walk Web page if you would like to donate online or see how close I am to reaching my personal goal:

1 comment:

virginia said...

It is a great cause and we pray that a cure will be found soon. What a great day that would be. When I take care of Sydney it causes me to have a greater appreciation for what you go through every day of your life. You are great parents and I was proud of Karlie for learning how to care for Sydney. I was also proud of Austin for wanting to learn and being so dilligent in caring for her while she was here. We all love and care about her. I find my self saying to myself "it isn't fair," but that changes nothing. We just have remember to be grateful how far treatment has come and pray that progress will continue.