Well, here we are at the Walk! We arrived around 9 a.m. and Sydney and Taylor, (our neighbor) promptly got their hair colored! The morning was brilliant. They had fun games and blow-up toys for the kids and were serving breakfast. After some warm-ups, of head, shoulders, knees and toes and the chicken dance, we were ready to go. What I thought would be a 5 or 10 mile walk, ended up only being about 1 mile and a fun little jaunt around the neighborhood. (I spied with my little eyes some For Sale By Owners). When we returned to the park they had drinks, hot dogs and chips ready for us. It was only 10 a.m???. Oh well, after playing some more games the kids were hungry Ian especially loved the Doritos. He loves licking all the cheese and salt off! MMMMMmmm. The walk was a success, and Utah County alone raised $230,000!!! Thanks you all soooo much! If all your love and support could cure diabetes, it would have been cured a long, long time ago!!! Next year, we are planning a team of our own, so be thinking of a good team name, and we would love for you all to come and walk for us. It's usually the third Saturday in September, so mark your calendars now.
Now it is raining. Lynn and Cody took the trailer to somewhere up by Vernon so he can be ready to hunt on Wednesday. The kids are running around crazy, playing with their sticky hands and getting sticky all over the wall. (What was I thinking when I painted the walls with flat paint??)
Thanks again for all your donations. Love ya all!!!! Millie