Saturday, April 5, 2008

Figuring it Out??

Hi All,

Here is video from our Africa trip taken by Spencer (Hope you don't mind Spencer, I loved it) This is Spencer with the Masai warriors, Wilson and Nabala. They were awesome and went every where with us. I have a lot respect for these men. We wish we would have taken video from our trip, but we are glad there were a few video cameras there. The first part is of Spencer and Darrin being transported by U-haul to get on the airplane. Funny! Enjoy! I am still figuring all this blog stuff out, ie; how to download videos from U-tube and what not. So be patient. Thanks!


Jesson and Storme Hoopes said...

this trip looks so fun.....hey was wondering if you want me to put your work blog on my page? let me know i will if you want me too. see you at the end of the month!

virginia said...

What great memories that this picture brings to mind. It was an amazing trip. Those 3 are all pretty amazing! Have fun in Florida!!