Saturday, September 6, 2008

Clean Water in Kibera!

Good afternoon! This morning I was pleasantly surprised by an e-mail I received from a jewelry store I used to frequent. They have been raising money for a campaign to drill a well by one hospital in Kibera. They raised enough money to drill 20! Not only will the hospital benefit, but there is enough water for the community around the hospital as well. Please go to the website to witness this spectacular event!
In one of the video presentations they visited Kazuri, which is a bead factory, that we visited while in Kenya. This factory gives single mothers jobs, so they can support their families. These women are amazing. So please, go to the website, and donate in any way if you can.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Powder Puff Football!

This week is Homecoming week for the Spanish Fork Dons. Karlie is having a blast in high school and has made lots of new friends. Last night she played powder puff football with her team the "Flaming Pandas." They spray painted white t-shirts and wore zebra stripped headbands around their foreheads. They looked really cute. Karlie played running back. They kept calling her play because she was the only one who could get the ball anywhere, but she kept dropping it. The "Flaming Pandas" lost, but they had a great time. Karlie only suffered minor injuries, her knee got hammered by someones cleats and she can't move, but with the care of mother, she should recover nicely.

Organized Love!

We recently ripped out everything in our closet and put in shelves and organizers. I can't tell you what a difference it makes. We now have about twice the room to hang our clothes than we did before! The first couple of days after it was installed, I could have just sat there and stared at the beauty of it. I LOVE IT!

Ian's School

Ian loves school. He is very proud of all his papers and art projects that he brings home. His teacher's name "merica" Erica. We are proud of you Ian!